Wienken Advisors, Ltd. has been educating private and public sector employees since 1998 through seminar outreach programs and financial consultation. We work to have the employee not only understand their benefits, but teach them how to integrate their benefits into their personal financial goals. This is accomplished through the use of the “Building Your Financial Future” planning model. This copyrighted planning model leaves the employee with a better understanding of how their benefits affect their personal financial situation and how they will make smarter decisions with regard to those benefits.
Wienken Advisors Ltd. has several associates with expertise in financial planning. Seven associates have the prestigious Chartered Federal Employee Benefit Consultant℠ certification. Wienken Advisors has the depth and breadth to service large and small employers alike and tailor a program to fit your objectives. We conduct on average 80 seminars per year attended by 3-4 thousand employees.