Have access to all 14 videos listed below (all handouts included). This is a special time offer due to the Coronavirus – take advantage of this opportunity!
Turbo Charging Your Retirement Plan
The Principles, Process & Psychology Of Planning
How To Build Your Financial Future
Retirement Forms & Administrative Process Of Retiring
This course is free for all. Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.
The first step we all need to take in starting the planning process. Why we never get the answers we are looking for when we plan. How financial companies and the financial media have conditioned you to a planning system that is designed for you to fail. And finally, a system that if utilized will help you answer the ultimate question we all have in planning our finances.
Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.
With the commoditization of planning by the financial media, it is more difficult for people to understand that there is a comprehensive process to building a financially secure future. This class will provide a new paradigm of thinking. Instead of thinking something is bad or good, the question to ask is, “Does this fit for me?” This is our most popular financial literacy class.
Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.
This program covers the retirement paperwork federal employees are required to fill out, the submission process, the role that OPM and HR play, and the decisions they need to make regarding their benefits. We cover this process in a timeline format starting five years out and end at the end of OPM adjudication process.
Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.
This is typically the least known benefit of an employer sponsored program. Attendees will gain an understanding of their benefits and how those benefits are taxed along with how your benefits work with Social Security. We then will give you a process to determine if your benefits will be enough to cover your monthly expenses and strategies to fill in any missing GAPS.
Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.
This program covers the components of Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (Basic, Extra Benefits, Options A, B, & C) eligibility and options to carry FEGLI into retirement. Other topics covered are the types of life insurance and the purposes they serve. How to determine how much coverage you need and the questions needed to determine the type of coverage necessary for your situation.
Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.
Program covers different plans such as HMOs, PPOs, HDHP with HSAs, FSAs, Taxes, Affordable Care Act, Leveraging Medicare, and tips on saving money through the tax code now and in retirement.
Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.
Covered in this program is how the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) is calculated, eligibility requirements for retirement and “pivot plays” to increase your payout. Case studies are used to highlight ways to increase your pension. The Voluntary Contribution Program (VCP) is also covered along with the “pivot plays” available in this program.
Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.
Program covers how the FERS pension is calculated, eligibility requirements for retirement, and “pivot plays” to increase your payout. Case studies on buying back time are used to highlight aspects of increasing your pension payout. The FERS supplement program is also covered in this program.
Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.
Program covers the history of the program, how to get your statement online, and how your benefits are calculated at age 62, FRA; and age 70. Divorce, Survivor Benefits and Family Benefits are covered along with “pivot plays” to maximize your benefits. Also covered is Windfall Elimination Program (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) for CSRS employees.
Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.
Program covers characteristics of the Thrift such as matching, vesting, investment options discussing the risks and rewards of each fund. Also covered are loan options, income options, and Roth TSP alternatives. Case studies are used to compare your Roth vs. Traditional TSP options.
Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.
Medicare Parts A, B, C, & D are covered in the program along with enrollment periods, penalties, and exemptions. Program closes with the financial stability of the program, changes that have occurred and what you can do about it.
Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.
Program covers the average cost of care in Home and Nursing Home. Course also explores the different options to pay for care along with covering Medicaid Spenddown Levels, the Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program and alternative programs to cover the cost of care.
Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.
Federal employees have unique benefits when it comes to divorce. This class consists of how OPM handles a divorce decree, how they view state law vs. federal law and what you need to know about your benefits before you see an attorney. Accompanying this class is a list of federal forms OPM needs to execute the orders of the divorce. Bringing these forms to your attorney at the beginning will save you time and attorney costs.
Worksheets and forms for you to download, accompany the program, to aide in your planning. Contact one of our representatives if you have any questions after viewing the class. Each purchased course entitles the viewer to a free telephone consultation.